Monday, May 31, 2010

Curse or coincidence?

If you ever heard a heartbreaking song,
Cover my ear so i won't hear,
Nor will i sing it if i fall for it,
Cause it will be a sign where i try to avoid,
Sooner or later i'll break people's heart again.

I don't want to believe it,
Ignoring it to the point i sung it oftenly,
For me it was just a song that i like to sing,
Not because i have a broken heart,
But a song that i got attracted to and remember well,
When few days after,
I end the relationship breaking people's heart.

I wouldn't mention it if it's not true,
But as years pass by thats all i could see,
Was it a curse or coincidence,
I refuse to believe in it,
For i know it was fate,
That's what written in my destiny.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Girl Who Run Away From Love

If i ever step on that path again,
I always wonder will i face another broken heart,
Another endless pain and dissatisfaction,
Was it all a lie when my heart says 'He's the one',
Sometimes i even doubt myself if i chose the right one.

I thought it was love at first,
Until i see to many lacking and too many pain to handle,
I start to change slowly and blame it on him,
While all in all i know the very reason it happen,
I did not love him at all.

Though i kept falling to the sins that i know,
But i dream of one perfect husband to hide my imperfection,
It was one dream of mine,
But after going through the broken heart,
I tend to run away from falling in love again.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

When I'm Tired

If someone ask me what do i want at the moment,
Maybe i'll just answer a rest without nothing to do,
Let me recover my body and soul,
Sleep like there's no tomorrow,
Stare at the house and do nothing,
Laying around and rolling down,
All i want is a day for me to rest,
Without the sight of holding broom on my hand,
The sight of mopping and cleaning,
Nor cooking,,
But just continue my sleep in the morning,
And eat what you usually eat outside,
If you were to ask me what i want for now,
All i can give you a pretty long list.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

If we fall apart

If everything were to fall apart,
It doesn't matter anymore,
When there's so many heart breaking,
The shouting that just won't stop,
If we were to fall apart,
All i could ever do was to face everything and the pain.

Nothing seems right anymore,
For everything that she had been fighting for,
Meaningless in the eye of his,
I as the audience feeling a great pain in my chest,
While she still can smile for me though she's suffering,
If we were to fall apart,
Let it be the last pain that we would hold.

Enough is enough,
The happy ending that we hope for,
Don't always exist in our story,
I'll go with her but i will think of you,
So to my dearest dad,
If i have the time i'll visit you,
If we were to fall apart like this,
I won't be coming home anymore.